5 Ways In Which Programme Management Supports Strategic Change

Programme management has the ability to initiate slow down, speed up, and terminate projects within the programme, for example: If a project has had delays beyond its controls, it may be deemed that to continue with the project, it would have an adverse effect on business as usual, the programme manager may put this project on hold for a period, perhaps until the next shut down or outage, in preference for initiating another project that will not have a detrimental effect on business as usual at this time.

Improved control of project interdependencies and their effects on business as usual, for example: One project may have hired cranes for installation work that can only take place at certain times, but still means an unavoidable interruption to business as usual in that area, the program manager, knowing the cranes are standing idle 50% of the working day, may initiate another project to run alongside, that also requires crane work, and would also cause interruption to business as usual in the same area, thus only interrupting business as usual once to complete two projects and getting full use out of the hired cranes. Realising the benefits and reducing the costs of two projects and a reduction in the interruption to business as usual.

A Programme will manage the available resources and conflicting demands from business as usual, the business may resist any change, especially change that has an impact on the daily cycle of business as usual, the programme will understand the impacts of the projects on the business including costs, and seek to minimise these, however it may draw on the business own resources such as the HR department to deal with staffing issues or to ensure all contractors are fully inducted and briefed with the unique specific site hazards, or put in place agreements to allow the businesses own equipment resources for example fork trucks and drivers, to be used by projects at certain times.

A programme has the ability to manage risk issues and changes across the programme, for example if it was discovered on the first project that the existing concrete floor was substandard to specifications as laid out in the factory plans or in excess of the standard laid out in the factory plans , requiring additional foundations to be added under new columns at an additional cost to the project or not requiring new foundations as expected, this information would be passed on to any other projects enabling floor samples to be taken in advance, projects would have the chance to assess the extra time and cost of any additional work required, or benefit from the saved time/cost and impact of the new foundations, maybe after the first time late work is required an environmental issue due to the noise may arise and a cap on how late or to what decibel the work can continue, lessons would be learnt, the information would be passed on to the other projects and steps could be taken to reduce the impact.

A Programme Manager focuses on, and understands the overall business objectives and the delivery of those strategic benefits to the business as soon as possible.

Being a strategic thinker, able to influence the individual project teams, plan, organise and integrate projects into the business, to deliver the benefits to the business as soon as possible.

Hello Paul, i found the last one very hard to find an example for, allthough i believe i understand what this refers too.

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Paul Naybour

Paul Naybour is a seasoned project management consultant with over 15 years of experience in the industry. As the co-founder and managing director of Parallel, Paul has been instrumental in shaping the company's vision and delivering exceptional project management training and consultancy services. With a robust background in power generation and extensive senior-level experience, Paul specializes in the development and implementation of change programs, risk management, earned value management, and bespoke project management training.

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