WBS can be used to communicate Work Packages (activities) to the
project team leaders. WBS identifies the works required to produce the
final products / deliverables into work packages. It is important as it clarifies
to the project teams the works each team will need to carry in order to
contribute in producing the final products expected from the project. For
example, work break down structure for a pumping station includes work
packages for civil team, mechanical team, and electrical team.
Precedence diagram evolves from the WBS, shows the sequence, and the time
interdependency relationship between work packages (activities) that will be
carried out. It can be used to communicate the sequence of work packages (as well
as the dependency relationships between each) to sub-contractors. It
is important as it clarifies to the subcontractors the sequence of work and
the impact of delay of one of them on the others. For example, in a
pumping station project, civil contractor will not start building the valve
chambers unless the mechanical engineers provide them with the approved
mechanical drawings for the fittings.
Gantt Chart also known as bar charts evolves from the precedence
diagram, and presents the work packages (project activities) against time scale
with one bar for each activity representing its duration. Gantt Charts can
communicate to the Client / sponsor the actual progress against baseline
schedule. That is important as delays on the critical path activities
can be easily identified and immediate recovery actions can be taken to avoid
the delay of the project end date. For example, updated Gantt chart indicated
the delay in placing the pumps order which is an activity on the critical path,
bringing the pumps by air freight instead of sea shipment was decided as a
recovery action.
Resources Histograms presents the required resources distribution against the time
frame for the project life cycle. In other works it shows how many numbers of
specific resources are required and when they are required. If presented below
the Gantt-Chart, it also shows what the resources are required to do. PM use the
resources histograms to communicate with team leaders to make sure that resources
will be available as and when required. That is important as it gives visibility
to the team leaders about the utilisation of their resources and assists the PM
to secure the availability of resources. For example, according to the
resources histogram, PM will need three cad technicians for duration of three
months and that is arranged with the cad manager.
Mile stones Charts may be presented together with the Gantt chart or on separate
chart. Milestones are zero duration activities that usually represents project
significant events or commitments. Milestone charts are usually used to
communicate high level view on the work progress to the organisation Senior Management
and Project Sponsor. That is important as it ensures the
accountability of the organisation senior management to meet their commitments.
For example, Milestone chart for one project shows the start date, end date,
major deliverables dates, tests on site …etc. is reviewed by senior management during
the stage reviews.