Project Management Tips

project errors - managing strategy

Project errors and pitfalls and how to avoid them

14th March 2023

Some project errors are obvious but there are many that companies do not realise they are making and it is […]

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revising for APM Exam

APM PMQ Exam Questions & Tips

28th February 2023

Here are some example answers and feedback to consider when studying for the APM PMQ Exam. Project Governance QUESTION: Describe […]

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benefits management tips for project managers

Quality management tips and tricks you need to know

24th February 2023

When it comes to creating your quality management plan, one of the most important things that you need to think […]

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2 project managers discussing risk management tips

Risk management tips when planning and executing your project

22nd February 2023

Risk management in project management is the concept of identifying, evaluating and mitigating the project risks that could possibly have […]

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project team managing changes to the project scope

Scheduling a project – what elements should you include?

20th February 2023

The project plan is an essential first step that any project manager needs to take. They do so in order […]

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project manager self studying for APM PMQ

Self Study APM PMQ Tips

28th December 2022

If you are self studying for the APM PMQ exam here are some questions and topics to consider: Updated 17th […]

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project leader in team discussion

A Guide to Soft Skills for Project Managers

31st October 2022

Soft skills are vital for project managers. Our brief guide takes a look at exactly how you should be using […]

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project managers discussing a communication plan

Project Communication – Your Ultimate Guide

24th October 2022

One thing that we can never hear enough is the importance of communication within a project. Whilst this is one […]

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PM preparing a guide to project reporting.

The complete guide to project reporting

24th August 2022

It will come as no surprise to learn that a staggering number of projects fail as a result of communication […]

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negotiating a pay rise

Giving Performance Reviews To Your Project Team

17th July 2022

As a project manager, there will be many tasks you’ll be expected to deliver, one of which is to give […]

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