Old APM PMQ Study Group

Characteristics Of Projects – Attempt At Answer

29th September 2014

List 5 characteristics or projects and describe how each is different from business-as-usual activities. Projects are described as unique, transient […]

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Agile Project Management: Self Organising Teams

22nd September 2014

Someone was telling me recently about some new fitted wardrobes that had just been installed in their home (bear with […]

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Using A Pert Chart To Manage A Project

10th September 2014

Most project management software can produce a PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) chart but what is it and how […]

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What You Can Do To Push Your PM Career Forward

1st August 2014

If you’re planning to work your way up the ladder of success in project management then it goes without saying […]

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project manager discussing progress with team

Running A Project In A Well-Established Operational Business

29th July 2014

Hi Paul, Could you give me some feedback on this question please. Jenny What difficulties might a project manager encounter when running a […]

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I’Ve Had A Go At A Possible Exam Question From Section 3.

26th July 2014

Five key attributes of a project are: Projects: Require a specific authorised business case Seek to introduce change Are limited […]

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Business Requirements Analysis – Part Of Project Managers Role

9th July 2014

I have discussed before the advantages to a project manager of getting involved in the business requirements gathering and analysis […]

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The Importance Of The People In Projects

8th July 2014

Project management is about planning, communicating, monitoring, controlling, reporting etc but it is also about risk management and change management […]

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Chapter 5 Homework Exam Questions Project Life Cycles

3rd July 2014

Having completed chapter 5 try some of the following homework questions and post your questions below and we give you […]

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Chapter 4 Homework Exam Questions Organisations And Structures

3rd July 2014

Having completed chapter 4 try some of the following homework questions and post your questions below and we give you […]

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