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Project Management Articles

Five Benefits of Managing a Project as Part of a Programme

1) The programme manager can co-ordinate the project to deliver strategic benefit for the organisation. This can be difficult for individual projects because they do not have a communication route to the senior management team or a way in which the projects can be co-ordinated. An example of this would be the London 2012 Olympic Games in which programme management played a critical part in the success of the project.

Project Management Articles

Where does social media fit into project management?

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past decade, you are probably already involved in many levels of social networking for both your professional and personal lives. Social media has become as much a part of our days as texting a friend or saying ‘hi’ to a colleague in the hallway.
Not only that, but social networks are now about much more than informing the world that you’ve just had a cup of coffee (although some people still do that). These days they form an important element of business, and can be used intelligently by companies to connect with their clients and to connect departments and teams internally and so improve project management communications.

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