The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. The Association for Project Management (APM) has started work on updating their Body of Knowledge from version 7 to 8. This will result in a refresh of the APM qualifications, including the APM Project Management Qualification (APM PMQ). At Parallel, we are very keen to ensure this refreshed qualification meets the practical needs of aspiring project managers and the organisations they work with. Based on feedback from course delegates, we feel that the syllabus could better reflect the day-to-day practice of project managers. In particular, those things that you find help you deliver successful projects. The APM has issued a call for evidence, so we would like your help the collecting evidence to make the revised APM PMQ as practical and relevant as possible. To do this, we ask you to spend 10 minutes completing this survey. If you have more detailed comments or views, please do get in touch at