APM PMQ Exam: automatically assessed answers

In the APM PMQ Exam one area, people really struggle with is how much to write to get the necessary marks in the time available. Some people write too much whilst others don’t provide enough detail. The other issue is they don’t use the command verbs in their answer. This is an automatic assessment tool for our self-directed exam prep course. It does not mark your answer, but it will look for sufficient detail, use the right command verbs and keywords in your answer. It is not a substitute for a tutor marking your homework or mock exam on a tutor-led course because it is not reviewing the content other than checking the length and keywords. But if you are running through last-minute exam prep or trying a self-study option, this will give you some additional feedback.

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Please do let me know what you think in the comments below. I can feel this one might be controversial.

To use the tool, you need to log in to our Moodle site Course: How to Pass the APM PMQ in 3 hours – The secret hints and tips. (parallelprojecttraining.com). This is a course we sell for £50 plus VAT, and it’s aimed at those preparing for the APM PMQ exam. Maybe you are self-studying or taking a course with another provider and want some extra hints and tips. This course is not a substitute for our distance learning or tutor lead courses; it does not cover the syllabus contents. It only focuses on hints and tips to help you with the exam. We do offer it free to anyone taking a course with Parallel as a way of complementing our set homework and mock exams.

This new module includes some sample questions, these sample questions are not marked, but they are assessed to see if

  1. They contain the necessary keywords implied by the command verbs.
  2. They include the necessary keywords implied by the questions.
  3. And are contain the approximate right number of character count to fit within the time allowed and also include enough detail to give the marks.

How do the automatically assessed APM PMQ answers work?

When you log in to the course, scroll down to this section: Course: How to Pass the APM PMQ in 3 hours – The secret hints and tips. (parallelprojecttraining.com) and select one of the questions. You will be presented with the question and some hints and tips. (you don’t get these in the real exam)

Type in your answer. Note I have set some character limits to make sure to provide sufficient detail.

APM PMQ Answer Feedback

The feedback is very simple. You get an indication if you have used the right keywords in your answer and the proper command verbs.

You can also look at the answer that I wrote to see how it compares with your answer.

Clearly, this is not a substitute for a tutor lead APM PMQ Project Management Qualification course with the full range of tutor lead marking and mock exams. But if you want to practice writing answers against the clock and getting some feedback on the level of detail and command verbs, it might prove helpful.

Please let me know what you think in the comments below.

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Paul Naybour

Paul Naybour is a seasoned project management consultant with over 15 years of experience in the industry. As the co-founder and managing director of Parallel, Paul has been instrumental in shaping the company's vision and delivering exceptional project management training and consultancy services. With a robust background in power generation and extensive senior-level experience, Paul specializes in the development and implementation of change programs, risk management, earned value management, and bespoke project management training.

4 thoughts on “APM PMQ Exam: automatically assessed answers”

  1. Good afternoon, is this tool available to those to use who have not done the course with yourselves for the one off payment of £50? I have been let down by my course provider. I have completed the course but trying to get the through the exam with little guidance.

  2. I would like to puchase this course – I tool my love exam last October and failed – i am due to resit later on January 2023 and need all the help I can get

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