Updated Study Plan

Hi Paul,

I’ve just started on the AMP Project Managers Qualification and I’ve found the study plan that you put up on here back in Jan 2011 which seems to have been superseded.

Is there any chance that you could update it with reference to the new study guide?
For example:

 Topic When Hours  eLearning Study Guide  Practice  Done? 
1. Contexts and environments [xx] Sum of below Contexts and Environments v1.7 Read section 1 (Pages 1-28)    
1.1 Projects and business-as-usual   [xx]     Quick Quiz 1.1 from study guide Y/N
1.2 Projects, programmes and portfolios   [xx]   Work based exercise Quick Quiz 1.2 from study guide Y/N
1.3 The project environment   [xx]   Whirlwind Bikes Exercise Quick Quiz 1.1 from study guide Y/N
1.4 The legislative aspects of project management   [xx]   Whirlwind Bikes Exercise Quick Quiz 1.1 from study guide Y/N

The key piece of information for me is the time we should be spending on each section as this is a bit of an unknown to me.


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